The LARP society (LARPSOC) comprises scientists from many disciplines with a shared interest in the study of La-motif containing proteins such as genuine La and La-related proteins (LARPs).
Since their initial characterization, LARPs have been shown to function in the metabolism of a wide spectrum of non-coding and coding RNAs, several of which have been implicated in challenges to human health.
More recently, the study of the La-related proteins has expanded on the known functions of La-motif containing proteins in many eukaryotic species.
The aims of LARPSOC are both to promote research into La-motif containing proteins and to provide a discussion forum, in the form of a website and meetings held biennially, around this fascinating area of discovery.
The officers (elected at AGM Aug. 2022)
President: Andrea BERMAN; University of Pittsburgh, USA.
Vice-President: Mark BAYFIELD; York University, Canada.
Honorary Treasurer: Sarah BLAGDEN; University of Oxford,
Honorary Secretary: Daniel JAROSZ; Stanford Medicine, USA.
Social Media Representatives: Sandy MATJISSEN (NICHD, USA) and Faraz MARDAKHEH (Barts Cancer Institute, UK)
Postdoc Representative: Kyra KERKHOFS (York University, Canada)
Website Coordinators: James CHETTLE (University of Oxford, UK) and Farnaz Mansouri-Noori (York University, Canada)
PhD student representatives: Farnaz Mansouri-Noori (York University, Canada) and Jennifer PORAT (York University, Canada)
Past Presidents: Utz FISCHER (University of Würzburg, Germany), Rich MARAIA (NICHD, USA) and Sasi CONTE (King’s College London, UK)
Honorary members: Jack KEENE (Duke University, USA) and Nahum SONENBERG (McGill University, Canada)
To download the constitution Please click here
To request further information about the Society please email us.